• Friday, September 5th 2025 @ 5PM

    Formed in 2019 Last Chance, Idaho on the banks of the Henry’s Fork River in Last Chance, Idaho- the Zach Nytomt Band was born. The Zach Nytomt Band play music for their love of energy and enthusiasm they create around them. Their original songs span a decade of song writing and their covers will get you dancing. Their roots include Texas roadhouse psychedelia, steeped in storytelling and Montana hustle–where are all welcome to rock-n-roll. For the past few years, they bounced between Last Chance and West Yellowstone playing bars and private parties honing their skills. In the summer of 2023, they began touring around Idaho and Montana playing venues across the northern Rockies. In Late July 2023 they opened up for their buddies, CAAMP, at Red Rocks in Colorado where they received a standing ovation from a sold-out crowd. During the winter months, Zach tours on his own as a solo act throughout the great state of Texas.

  • Founded in 2021, North Fork Crossing has quickly made its presence known all around Montana, most notably in the beautiful Gallatin Valley where they live. The quintet — Cade Slayden (guitar), Ryan Kelly (mandolin), Rabi Phelan (upright bass), Silas Rea (fiddle), and Matt Hickey (banjo) — are drawn to having Bluegrass reach a younger generation, priding themselves on their unique sound as the evolution of string band music.By playing many shows in Montana as well as touring across Idaho, Utah, and Colorado, they have been able to grow their audience to a wide range of listeners — consisting of Traditional Bluegrass lovers to die-hard Jam Band enthusiasts. They reside somewhere in a strange untapped realm between these genres as well as Psychedelic Rock, Americana, and Folk. 

  • Open Festival Hours Friday & Saturday

    Join John Hudgens and his team from the Anglers Academy for the first annual Wretched Mess Casting Competition on Friday and Saturday Sept 5th and 6th, 2025. Day 1, September 5th from 2pm to 7pm Junior Class (12 and under), Amateur Class (Anyone older than 12 years of age that is not considered a professional) Day 2, September 7: 10am-12:30pm and 4pm-7pm Pro Class (Includes everyone in the fly fishing industry. Shop employees, shop owners, outfitters, guides, fishing reps, casting instructors) Equipment: A Scientific Angler 5 wt line (distance taper) loaded on a reel with a nine foot leader will be provided. We will have 2 reels loaded and ready to go. One for the person casting and the other for the person next in line. Five weight, nine foot rods will be available for use. Rods can be nine foot or shorter. Rods longer than nine feet are not allowed. Contestants are welcome to use their own rod or borrow a rod, but must use the SA line and leader provided. Layout: There are three accuracy targets set at 20, 30, and 40 feet. There’s a 25 foot wide lane for distance casting. Rules: Each participant will have 2 casts at each target, and will have 3 long distance casts, taking the best of three long shots. When the fly (yarn) touches the ground it will be counted as a cast or shot. Points: 20 foot target - 10 points each (20 points) 30 foot target - 20 points each (40 points) 40 foot target - 30 points each (60 points) Distance Cast - 1 point per foot There’s a max level of 120 points for the accuracy casts, and it’s possible that a caster could make a 120 foot distance cast, making the contest a 50 / 50 split between accuracy and distance. Judges: There will be a judge for accuracy and another judge for the distance cast. John Hudgens will be working with the contestants explaining the rules, handing them the reel and checking leader and fly. There will be a score keeper. We will have 2 reels loaded and ready to go. One for the person casting and the other for the person next in line. There will be First Place prizes for three divisions (Junior, Amateur, and Pro) and a ceremony 30 minutes after the contest each day.

  • Assigned times TBD

    The Wretched Mess Fest will host presentations both on the Bob Jacklin Casting Pond, as well as inside the Mammoth Room of the Union Pacific Dining Hall. A presentation schedule will be posted closer to the event date and will be shared via social media.

  • Friday 2pm-7pm & Saturday 10am-7pm

    Watch some of the regions (and possibly the world) best fly tyers show off their craft at the Union Pacific Dining Hall in the Mammoth Room. Come watch Kelly Galloup, Arrick Swanson, Bob Jacklin, Cheech Pierce, Bucky McCormick, Kris Keller, Jake Chutz, Josh Almond, Craig Mathews, Chris Daniel and Rick Wollum!


FRIDAY, 2/5- 2:00 PM- 7:00 PM

SATURDAY, 2/6- 10:00 AM- 5:00 PM