The Wretched Mess News

  • Milford “Stanley” Poltroon was the pen name of David Bascom, an artist and writer who created a satirical fishing magazine called The Wretched Mess News. His work was published in West Yellowstone, Montana from the 1960s to the 1980s. The Wretched Mess News is a distinctive parody of fishing magazines like no other. Poltroon, (aka Boscum) blends his wacky humor, unique art style, and sensational take on the fishing lifestyle to bring a smile to your face.

  • Many of David’s works include his sketches and found art that combines with a writing style that frontiers, according to Mr. Poltroon, “America’s last stronghold of honest yellow journalism”. His works were published from the early 1960’s to 1980’s in West Yellowstone, Montana. 

  • The Wretch Mess Fest aims to celebrate the legacy of the late David Bascom. His passion for art, humor, and the outdoors inspires us to celebrate the creative spirit that is alive in us all. His art is a source of joy and inspiration to many, and his memory lives on through this festival.

​The Wretched Mess Fest

  • The West Yellowstone Foundation held the first Wretched Mess Festival in September 2023 honoring the late Bascom by exclusively showcasing artists of all kinds. This festival was missing an important aspect which inspired much of Bascom’s writing; Fly Fishing. After rallying the fishing community of West Yellowstone to collaborate on this (arguably outrageous) idea to combine music, art, history, and fly fishing- the Wretched Mess Fest was reborn.

MARIN AURAND - Yellowstone Historic Center

“In exchange for the best fishing in the world, Bascom gave West Yellowstone the Wretched Mess News.”

ROBERT CANTWELL - Sports Illustrated

“Begun as a parody of other fishing periodicals, 'The Wretched Mess News' combines wacky advice to the angler with attacks against conservation injustices.”